The ECRUU Podcast: TRS’s Henrique Akamine on bringing field surveys to the heart of sugar analysis
In this podcast episode, we chat with the head of sugar and ethanol research at Tropical Research Services (TRS). TRS has an unusual origin story (which we go into in the podcast) and puts a strong emphasis on field surveys to provide qualitative analysis. Henrique tells us about what it means to incorporate field surveys, what his team in India is telling him, and what we should be looking out for in India this year.
In this podcast, Henrique shares:
-TRS’ unusual origin story
-how they combine extensive field surveys with desk research to build their intellectual property
-what their field team in India is saying about the state of the crop in Maharashtra and Karnataka
-how he deals with tricky situations, including when he’s not sure what’s going on in the market or when he makes mistakes
You can reach Henrique by email: or LinkedIn:
The TRS website is here: