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You’re in the right place if:
You find it difficult to keep up with the flow of news.
There’s a ton of news out there. A lot of it is good and useful but a lot of it isn’t – for your purposes at least. You want an efficient strategy to deal with the overflow of news.
You’re worried that you might miss something important
Your days are full and, with limited time and mind space to monitor news, you’re worried that you might miss something important.

You’re looking to improve efficiency both within your and your team’s day
Your and your team’s time is precious. Monitoring news, however, is very time and labour intensive. You want to be able to free that time and have a system in place to make sure you don’t miss news.
You need information on smaller countries for your supply & demand forecasts
Big media outlets tend to focus their coverage on countries that have the most impact on prices. But you also need to know what is going everywhere else, including smaller countries where there is limited data available, except in local news. But finding that local news, often in a foreign language, is difficult and time consuming.
You want to leverage any information you can put your hands on, especially news available for free on the Internet
You like to be efficient and it seems like a waste that there’s so much useful news out there (for free) that you might be missing out on.
You would rather not waste time looking for and reading news
You already have a lot on your plate on a daily basis. Your time is better spent on more important stuff than monitoring news.
You would rather your team not waste time looking for and reading news
You might have someone whose responsibilities include monitoring news. But you feel that person’s time (and your money) could be better spent on something more important.
You’re often looking for old news but can’t locate it
You often remember news you read but you can’t remember where. You receive so many emails, reports and see so much news on your terminal that you can’t remember where it was. You look for it for 5 minutes and then give up.

The problem is:
You have tried to work on this yourself but you’re stuck
You’ve tried Google Alerts, you’ve subscribed to some news and analysis services but it still doesn’t solve your problem. News continues to take too much of your time or it falls on the side completely.

You don’t think there is a solution to your problem
Everyone is struggling with the overflow of news these days. You’ve come to think there isn’t much you can do about it.
You’ve tried getting your team on it but it’s not working out great
You’ve tried putting a junior person (or an intern) on news monitoring but they don’t know enough about the markets yet to do a good job. They’re slow and get confused about what’s important and what isn’t. You tried asking a more experienced team member to do it but they don’t like it. And in any case, they’re paid too much to be going through the news.

What you need right now
You need a system that enables you to stay on top of all the sugar and ethanol news available for free on the Internet. You need a system that allows you to access it in a timely manner and digest it quickly. You need a system that allows you to find all the old news related to a specific topic as and when the need arises.
You need a system that allows you to leverage news and turn it into an asset, instead of a liability that eats up your time.

This is where we come in.
We know exactly where you are because we’ve been there. We’ve developed the system we know you need to keep you on top of news. That way, you can free up the time to focus on doing your job.
The purpose of our sugar & ethanol news monitoring is toPublishedAt:

Enable you to read all the news available for free on the Internet in just a few minutes in an easy-to-digest format.

Provide a global and comprehensive coverage of all the relevant news, not just the market moving stuff.

Always give you access to the original so that you can get more information as and when you need it.
When you subscribe to our services

You’ll get all the news that is available for free on the Internet summarised and delivered in an easy-to-digest format throughout the day

You’ll get a daily recap with everything from the past 24h to make sure you don’t miss anything

You’ll get easy access to the old stuff we’ve covered through our easy-to-search database.
Your subscription includes:

A daily email with all the summaries published in the last 24h organised by region and relevance

A desktop web portal on which we publish sugar & ethanol news summaries as soon as we produce them. Ideal if you don’t like to be on the phone too much and still want to be updated throughout the day.

A mobile app on which we publish sugar & ethanol news summaries as soon as we produce them. Ideal for when you’re on the move, like on your daily commute to work.

Our searchable database with every summary we’ve produced since we started in 2016. That’s some 30,000 summaries (and counting) accessible at your fingertips
Just imagine. By tomorrow, your news monitoring could be sorted.
Get started today
Request your 1-week free trial.