Our story ━━━━━
Hi guys,
I’m Charlotte Kingsman. With my brother Oliver, we co-founded ECRUU back in 2016.

We don’t only find the news. We select what’s important and we combine it with other stuff that’s relevant (so you don’t have to read 7 articles on the same topic).
And then, we deliver it to you as you want it.
Do you want to read it throughout the day? Done. Do you want a recap at the end of the day to make sure you don’t miss anything? Done. Or maybe a weekly highlight of the most important news? Also done.
Our mission is to bring you the news in a form and format that is underwhelming, instead of overwhelming. With us, you’ll be able to read over 50 sugar & ethanol news in just a few minutes.

Before I started ECRUU, I worked as a sugar and biofuels analyst writing market reports for Kingsman (now part of S&P Global Platts). I spent a big part of my day talking to market participants and the other part looking for, and analysing, news.
That’s why I know that you, as a market participant, need easy access to news to help you make informed decisions. I also know – because I’ve been there myself – that you want easy-to-digest access to the news in as close as possible to their original form so that you can do your own analysis.
You want the news content unprocessed. That way, you can do what you need to do with it.
As I prepared to launch ECRUU, I knew what I needed to create. But I didn’t know how. That’s why I enlisted my brother Oliver’s help. He’s a techie genius. Together, we designed a system that combines the best of technology and human expertise. Our system and our experts find news you didn’t even dream of accessing (hello news in Thai, in Bahasa Indonesian).

Our mission is to leverage all the valuable information that journalists work hard to bring you. With us, you’ll have easy access to any news (old and present) that you may be looking for on a particular topic. That search on sugar policy in Nigeria? We’ve got you covered. That search on sugar taxes? We’ve got you covered.
Don’t believe us? Why don’t you check it out for yourself.
PS – If you want to know more about our story and why we do what we do, check out our blog

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Our values ━━━━━
What you can expect from the ECRUU team:

Integrity is a value we stand firmly by. As a family managed company, integrity is what keeps us together and what drives our vision.
Our job is to give you access to the right information at the right time. We have no interest in giving biased information. We want you to be able to make the best decision possible by leveraging relevant information. We work to be as objective as possible and respect the original news source. When we make mistakes, we own up to them and correct them. That’s what helps us become better.
We have the utmost respect for journalists and the media who do a great job at keeping the world informed with what is happening. We also have great respect for our clients and those involved in the sugar and ethanol markets who work hard and long hours as they strive to make the best possible decisions in an uncertain world. We respect your time and we respect your expertise.
Intellectual property
Our editorial standards and methodology are designed to ensure we don’t infringe copyrights.

Methodology ━━━━━
We have one simple but very powerful secret ingredient that makes our product so unique.

This ingredient is that we have a huge respect for news. We know that the right information in the right hands can be a game changer.
The challenge, then, is to get the right information in the right hands.
Journalists and the media already do a terrific job at covering events and looking for information. On a global scale, they produce a HUGE amount of information that then goes out into the world.
The problem, however, is how to ensure that the right information reaches the people who need it?
With so much news out there and so many people who need different information for different needs, this can appear a herculean task.
This is how we do it:
Step 1: Find the news
We look for all the sugar & ethanol related news that are accessible for free on the Internet. Our algorithm finds news in many languages, including Chinese, Polish etc. Topics cover markets, but also things like trade deals and sugar taxes and the weather, among many others.

Step 2: Select the news
Our algorithm is great at finding news, not so much at selecting the right stuff (hello cake recipes and sugar daddy websites). It’s up to our experts to select all the relevant news and make sure nothing was missed.

Step 3: Aggregate to avoid repetition
You know how you’ll have seven articles on the same topic every time something big happens (UNICA updates, we see you)? To save you from reading seven times the same thing, we aggregate the news on a similar topic.
Step 4: Select the important stuff
This bit is the really tricky part. This is the bit that requires real expertise to know what to select. It also requires expertise to spot mistakes or things that don’t make sense.

Step 5: Write a summary of the news
We write a summary of the original article and aim to have a summary that is on average less than 10% of an original article. Why? Firstly, because taking any more than that could be considered a breach of the author’s copyright. This goes against our values and takes away from all the hard work and investments journalists and media outlets make. Secondly, 10% is enough information for you to see whether this is something you want to know more about. If that’s the case, you can directly access the original article (see step 7).
Step 6: Deliver the news in an
easy-to-digest format
There’s two ways we deliver our content. First, we send it as and when it is produced throughout the day via our mobile app and web portal. That way, you’re kept up to date throughout the day.
Secondly, we send you an end-of-day email recap. That’s to make sure you didn’t miss anything. All our clients tell us they read that email first thing in the morning. It tells them everything that happened the day before and attunes their sight on anything they might want to investigate further.

Step 7: Provide access to the original
Markets wouldn’t work as well as they do without journalists. They do an incredible job at covering markets. Our mission is not to take that away from them. We always give access to the original content. Our job is not to replace news, our job is to help news find their right audience, or the right audience find the right news. Whichever way you want to look at it.
Step 8: Make it easy to find old stuff
We want to give longevity to news by ensuring they don’t fall into the black hole of the Internet less than 24 hours after being published. Google’s great, but not as great as news that has been summarised and archived by a team of market experts. You can find old news on any sugar or ethanol related topic in a few seconds thanks to the search engine built into our database.

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