The ECRUU Podcast: StoneX on building independent analysis within financial services
In this episode of the ECRUU Podcast, we speak with Marcelo Bonifacio, a Market Intelligence Analyst at StoneX Brasil.
The ECRUU Podcast: Sugaronline on being the industry’s partner for over 30 years
SOL is an independent, membership-based service company that has been around for over 30 years.
New ECRUU podcast: A chat with ISMA's new DG
In this episode of The ECRUU Podcast, we are honoured to chat with the brand new Director General of ISMA.
The ECRUU Podcast: Greenleaf’s Harsh Soni on what to expect from India in the next two seasons
In this episode, we chat with Harsh Soni, the founder of Greenleaf Corporations. As an expert on the Indian sugar market, he shares his insights and what to expect in the next two seasons.
The ECRUU Podcast: GlobaData’s Gareth Forber takes on the consumption enigma
In this episode, we chat with Gareth Forber, director of sugar research at GlobalData. We take a deep dive into the difficult topic of consumption, unpacking the factors that influence demand and what to expect this year.
The ECRUU Podcast: Pakistan Agriculture Research’s Ghasharib Shoukat on staying on top of Pakistan’s sugar market
In this episode we interview Ghasharib Shoukat, from the Pakistan Agricultural Research (PAR) group to do a deep dive into the very complex Pakistani sugar market.
The ECRUU Podcast: Julian Price on being “Mister EU Regulations”
Julian Price has several decades of experience in the sugar industry, including as a trader, broker, lobbyist, and analyst. He is widely known as “Mister EU Regulations” for his knowledge of the intricate EU policies. In this podcast, he shares his experience and how he sees EU regulations evolving.
The ECRUU Podcast: Marcus Weather’s founder on being the weather guy for ag traders and food companies
In this podcast, we interview Kevin Marcus, the founder of Marcus Weather. Kevin has an unusual dual expertise in both weather and agronomy, which has helped him become a reference in weather analysis in the agriculture space over the last 40 years. Kevin walks us through what it means to help market participants stay ahead of the weather.
The ECRUU Podcast: Vesper’s Alexander Sterk on scaling up a commodity platform and raising funds
In this week’s ECRUU podcast, we interview Alexander Sterk, the founder of the commodity platform Vesper. He walks us through his journey from being a dairy trader to founding and then scaling up a commodity platform, including raising funds from investors.
The ECRUU Podcast: CovrigAnalytics’ Claudiu on setting up an independent sugar research company
In this episode of The ECRUU Podcast, we interview Claudiu Coverig. He founded CovrigAnalytics after working several years as a sugar and biofuels analyst for a big group. In this podcast, he shares with us his journey building his own analytics business. We also talk about what to look out for in the current market.
The ECRUU Podcast: TRS’s Henrique Akamine on bringing field surveys to the heart of sugar analysis
In this podcast episode, we chat with the head of sugar and ethanol research at Tropical Research Services (TRS). TRS has an unusual origin story (which we go into in the podcast) and puts a strong emphasis on field surveys to provide qualitative analysis. Henrique tells us about what it means to incorporate field surveys, what his team in India is telling him, and what we should be looking out for in India this year.
The ECRUU Podcast: Czarnikow's Stephen Geldart on modernising sugar analysis
In this episode, we interview Stephen Geldart, the head of analysis at Czarnikow (also known as CZ). CZ has been in the sugar market for a while, but a lot of things have been happening recently, including a change in the way the company is handling its analysis services. In this episode, Stephen walks us through the strategy behind these changes. We also chat about what to look out for in the current market.
The ECRUU Podcast: S&P Global Commodity Insights Maria Nunez on covering sugar from Cuba to Switzerland
Maria Nunez is a senior sugar analyst at S&P Global Commodity Insight. She has worked in the sugar market for over 20 years, as a futures trader as well as an analyst. In this podcast, Maria takes us back in time to when she started in the sugar market in 1981 in Cuba, her home country, which was then the biggest sugar supplier in the world, and how things have changed today.
The ECRUU Podcast: hEDGEpoint Global Markets' Livea Coda on staying on top of sugar analysis
In this episode, we chat with Livea Codea, market intelligence coordinator at hEDGEpoint Global Markets. After working at Raizen for several years, she now provides market intelligence to help participants hedge and therefore build an insight into price direction. In this podcast, she shares with us her journey and her strategy to give clients and the wider market the analysis they need to make the best hedging decisions.
The ECRUU Podcast: Jonathan Kingsman on life after the sugar market
This week we inaugurate Season 2 of the ECRUU Podcast in which we interview Jonathan Kingsman, founder of Kingsman and writer of several best selling commodity trading books, including The Sugar Casino.