The ECRUU Podcast: Marcus Weather’s founder on being the weather guy for ag traders and food companies
In this podcast, we interview Kevin Marcus, the founder of Marcus Weather. Kevin has an unusual dual expertise in both weather and agronomy, which has helped him become a reference in weather analysis in the agriculture space over the last 40 years. Kevin walks us through what it means to help market participants stay ahead of the weather.
In this episode, Kevin talks about:
-The big weather flags for the sugar market
-His forecast for CS Brazil’s 2024/25 crop
-What’s happening to Europe’s beet planting season and the potential impact on the crop
-The forecast for the upcoming Indian monsoon and why it’s likely to delay the next harvest
-Why he expects India will be exporting again soon
-The most common mistakes people make when analysing the weather
-How global warming and higher temperatures are affecting yields